ROYAL INTERNTIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL AT: Ranja,P/O:Kankadpal,p.s: Dhenkanal sadar,Dhenkanal,pin:759013

Principal Desk


A good teacher is better than a thousand priests and a good educational institution is better than a million temples. Education is like the opening of a thousand windows. I have taken up the Herculean task of making my own contribution as the principal of Royal International Public School. The best phase of the child’s life is spent in school. We at ‘RIPS’ are committed to promote quality education.

It always gives me pleasure when I’m discussing about my school. The institution stood in the year 2014 after much struggle and systematic endeavour. It symbolises the rays of morning sun which is about to shine the infinite universe and always aims at improvisation of students’ learning skills to reach the extent of a new horizon with the best possible manner. We are moving ahead to remove illusions, ignorance, inactivity and indiscipline to create a scholastic environment under the advice of our honourable Chairman and Director Sir.

In the words of Robert Frost.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

These lines are the source of inspiration for me. I promise that I shall always pay head to the voice of my conscience while taking decisions in the interest of students in any walk of life.

With sincere & warm regards

Anil Kumar Nayak
Royal International Public School,Dhenkanal